After the last incident of houses being demolished in Soweto East in Kibera, that was in 12th January 2012. The voice of kibera made a follow up after two days that was on 14th January to know the steps taken with those who were the victims managed to start on in life.
Today, several people who had nowhere to go still live in this open filed where their houses were demolished for slum upgrading . With the harsh living condition in this open filed they now call their home, we met a widow, Alise Anindo who lived with her two grandchildren who were left orphaned by their parents. The incident happened after she has taken her grandchildren to a near by day care and left for work as usual. She saved nothing and does not know how to move in in life. She asks the Government to at least help them with means of going back home(up country).
We talked to several people to gather more information on how they feel. Partrick Wasia, a landlord, was given an ID for moving to decanting site. He said they are going to continue with the appeal in court on the demolition of the houses that is on 17th january2012. He said that the Government started with Soweto East Zone A after which they shall move to Zone B ,C and D.
Jackline Jalenga who was also one of the people whose houses were demolished moved to a nearby church with some residents who were in the same situation. They moved to Maximum Miracle Center where only their children were aloud to sleep in and they being parents, sleeping in the cold outside as they await their properties .
A landlord known as Bokello, was one of the people who moved to the decanting site but being the landlord in the area where houses were brought down, him being a landlord , he now have to sleep in the cold in the open filled to await his properties.He as he hard of the Soweto Forum says that Slum upgrading was a good idea but the Government was too fast for a common Mwanainchi and the time which was given was not enough for them . He says the Government should try to intervene and look of a way out to help Kenyans.
As we walked down the place , we observed that the site was already fenced . Does the property that was not removed that is still inside now belong to those in charge of the slam upgrading?
With the tension going on , we were more interested to know more on the map on the areas that are yet to be demolished. This made us to go to the nearest chief’s camp for more details. We met a person whose identity withheld sowed us the map. He says that the demolition of houses is yet to continue with Zone B , C and D according to how it was planed.