For a long time Kibera has been viewed as one of the faces in the limelight especially where matters concerning violence, crime and abuse of human rights are concerned. Whether true or not this has been attributed by:-poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and ignorance. These have been further instigated by ethnicity between various communities in the region and politics.
There is an undeclared battle to nearly 90% of people who live below the poverty line. But where there is hope there is a way. Devolved governance brings power to the people. To those who know their rights because knowledge is power; conversely ignorance is poverty.
As it’s evident in our constitution we have the right to better housing, sanitation, access to clean water, food and free quality education. Our devolved governance must ensure these resources safely reach our local wards without any means of corruption or any other illegal activities.
With the new government in power the people of Kibera expect to see changes in the way things are run and managed when it comes to public resources. The Constituency Development Funds(CDF) should be put in place to build schools and health facilities which will help the people.
Above all it should also ensure that our children get free and quality education because they are the future of our nation Kenya.
By Moses Njule