Although research indicates that HIV/Aids in Kibera is highly rated amongst the community but something still needs something to be done to enable the affected and infected person found in this community to get any required help or referrals for that matter ,It can be organized that they be given sensitization workshops and trainning n different aspect to enlighten the community in situations that can help them like in psycho social support ARv managements ,Adherence ,Home based care support to the bed ridden person who cant make it to the clinics or Hospitals .Another key issue here is about food consumption this is another key problem that needs to be look upon ,some cant afford balanced diet meal to make the drug they are taking to be effective and work properly.
By the help of the government and other interested party liked the NGO’s who have played a great role in the quest to confront and eradicate the disgrace and dishonor often faced by people living with virus in our community.More still needs to be done on those people who lives with those affected or infected in one way or the other .To conduct lots of trainings and workshop to harmonize the situation and to enlighten everybody in the community about discrimination and stigma senario.
More measure need to be taken into considerations when ensuring the control and prevention of the scourge amongst the youth who are highly infected every now and then amonst other things .Attitude and the behavior change is what we require to reduce the spread of Hiv /Aids amongst the youth .Faithfulness and the use of condom is not constant amongst the youth thats why it has been a challeng in maintaining the spread of the virus which still cannt be controlled .
Aids related stigma and the discrimination is a big giant toward the realization of the acceptance of the situation which cripples the development from both the stigmatized and the stigmatize-rs .The key point is to find avenues that address this matter fully and seeking ways in tackling this issue and finding proper strategies in solution findings and support to PLWH .
Stigma is a feeling ,condition or mark of shame ,disgrace and dishonor.It cause those who are on the receiving end to be shunned, rejected or discriminated against for perceived improriety or wrongdoing .Stigma in the sense that you can tell whether a person bears a stigma by the way others treat them .It differs from discrimination although in many cases it is its cause .stigma has to do with attitudes and taboos held by a community which members are expected not to contravene ,Discrimination is unfair treatment of a person or a group based on class or condition.
Causes of stigma has to do with taboo or strong social or religious customs forbidding a particular act or word.Its there for community generated and the assumption that PLWH/Aids are promiscuous or immoral ..Other culture and religion may define promscuity different ,going against the particular taboos that relate to sexual behavior in ones context is considered a transgression or sin.
The second cause or source of stigma is fear and ignorance.when people are confronted by a phenomenon such as disease whose cause they do not fully understand ,which is incurable and which leads to death,it is bound to attract stigma.Such fear causes people to look for those to blame for the phenomenon in an effort to protect themselves ,At first the disease was blamed on the homosexuals and drug addict in the U.S. and commercial sex worker in many African countries.In many culture ,women receive much of the for the spread of Hiv/Aids .
Stigma continues to be a real hindrance in prevention of the spread of HIV and Aids,and in the care ,support and access to treatment PLHIV.