Resources To Improve Learning In Primary Schools

Friends Learning Resources, an Australian-based non-profit organization with Christian roots was today at Raila Educational Centre.
The organization that has been in Kenya for the past seven years is seeking to increase literacy levels through offering high quality learning resources at highly subsidised prices.
Raila Educational Centre- Primary section was honoured to host these organization where the teachers were taken through the entire tool kit and how it can help them improve on their teaching delivery even as it brings to the fore the pupils more understanding for they relate well with pictures/colours thus they can visualize and put exactly what they are seeing/talking about in words

After the demonstration, the kit with the flash cards was given to each teacher who attended at a cost of Kshs.100 instead of between Kshs4,000-8,000 that the book suppliers normally sell.
Jay, one of the facilitators from Friends Learning Resources encouraged/invited other schools within Kibera regardless of the fact that they are public or private to get in touch so that they can benefit from this all important educational materials since the offer will still be around for about 2-3 months.
Get in touch through 0738888830 and we will forward you their contacts so they can visit and demonstrate to you so that you can make you teaching more effective

About Sande Wycliffe

I am a motivated community leader living and working in the Kibera slum. The power of information exchange can change Kibera and bring about unity of purpose.
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