Polling stations in Kibera: the arrival of Raila Odinga

Large group of people are singing and chanting at kamkunji ground Gatwekera this morning at 6am, waiting to vote and go home. “Some of them are running around making noise to wake up other people to join them”, a MapKibera reporter said.

Arrival of Raila Odinga in Kibera

Arrival of Raila Odinga in Kibera

The crowd began at 4 am and the voters claimed that the process take too long. “Why is this process slow? I hope there is something they can do to hasten the process for us so we can vote peacefully and go home”, said a voter at A.C.K Polling station.

During this time, some facts attracted the attention of voters in the queues: a drank lady with jokes and songs at Ayani primary polling station in Kibera, creating a platform of debate with people wondering how she will be able to vote in this situation.

But the most important event of this morning in Kibera was the arrival of The Cords’ Presidential candidate Hon Raila Odinga, at exactly 9 am. The Premier arrived to cast his vote, only waving to acknowledge the mighty multitude of Kibra voters whom equally had turned up to vote.

The premier, who has represented Kibra/Langata constituency for twenty years is this time locked in a presidential contest pitting him against eight other contestants, with a close race projected between himself and Deputy premier Mr.Uhuru Kenyatta.

Addressing the press, Mr.Odinga said the people of Kenya value democracy, rule of law  and can be attested by the large turn out reported here and elsewhere.
He said his Coalition for Reforms and Democracy(CORD) represent the aspirations and the desire for real change in the country and he is confident of a win in first of vote.

About Sande Wycliffe

I am a motivated community leader living and working in the Kibera slum. The power of information exchange can change Kibera and bring about unity of purpose.
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