KIBRA: Women voters miss in IEBC’s manual register

Women voters were turned away this morning without voting in Langatta and Kibra constituencies because their names are missing in the IEBC’s manual register.

Lack of Electricity at Raila Educational Centre led to the officers use a kerosene lantern.

Lack of Electricity at Raila Educational Centre led to the officers use a kerosene lantern.

Between 6:00am and 8:00am, more than twenty women had already been turned away without   voting at the District Commissioner’s grounds polling station alone. Among those who had were turned away was Map Kibera Trust SMS reporter Mildred Anekeya, whose name missed in the manual register. She complained and persisted for more than 7 hours, later her name was found in the BVR register and she was allowed to vote at 12:02pm.

The same was experience at YMCA polling station.

BVR kits failed to operate in most polling stations, forcing IEBC officials to use the manual register.

BVR kits failed to operate at OLYMPIC, YMCA, Ayany, KAG Olympic, DC’s grounds, Soweto Resource Centre among other polling stations, forcing the polling officials to use the manual register.

The BVR kits failure to work well slowed down the pace of the voting exercise, leading to many voters’ frustration and complaints.

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Everything didn’t work as expected in Kibera

Long queues in Kibera

Long queues in Kibera

To ensure the security at polling stations, the IECB staff at Holy Trinity worked extra hard this morning to organize the larger number of voters into their respective streams in order to ease the voting process.

At Mashimoni primary polling station, the voting exercise started well, long queues observed starting 5.00am but voting started 6.05am.

But not everything worked in the right way.

The traffic at Olympic this morning was enormous: twelve long lines all of which have stretched outside the gate with thousands of voters already queuing to vote. “We have to vote by all means, this will ensure that we get in the credible leaders we have always wanted to elect”, a voter said.

The was caused by BVR machine that stopped working at Olympic station leading to slow pace of voting hence complains from the public who are all in eight streams waiting to vote.

In YMCA polling station four people have not got their names in the voters register and the BVR kit system was not working as it was supposed to be.

At Dc grounds polling station, voters are being pulled out of the line simply because their names were not in the registers but available in the IEBC system.

At Olympic Secondary School, there was a huge number of voters and among the crowd one of the voters threw his documents and went away simply because he couldn’t find his name in one of the lines he had been since morning.


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Fire disrupts voting at Nyayo High-rise, Langatta

This morning fire disrupted voting exercise at Soweto Resource Centre and Undugu Society polling stations in Nyayo High-rise ward, Langatta constituency.

Part of the fire at the border between Silanga and Soweto East

Part of the fire at the border between Silanga and Soweto East

The fire which started at around 9.30am has gutted about 30 houses at the border between Soweto east and Silanga. Property of unknown value has been destroyed.

Residents left the long queues and rushed to rescue their properties. One of the residents identified as Kamau, said he could not continue queuing when he is not sure he will spent the night after his house was destroyed by the morning fire.   “I can’t vote when am not sure whether this people will remember us. Wacha niokoe mali yangu. Let me save my property.Said Kamau.

No casualties have been reported. The cause of the fire is yet to be identified.

Police helicopter was seen flying above the scene, several times, though there were no firefighters present. Residents managed to put off the fire after about 35 minutes and voting exercise continued without further interruption.

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Polling stations in Kibera: the arrival of Raila Odinga

Large group of people are singing and chanting at kamkunji ground Gatwekera this morning at 6am, waiting to vote and go home. “Some of them are running around making noise to wake up other people to join them”, a MapKibera reporter said.

Arrival of Raila Odinga in Kibera

Arrival of Raila Odinga in Kibera

The crowd began at 4 am and the voters claimed that the process take too long. “Why is this process slow? I hope there is something they can do to hasten the process for us so we can vote peacefully and go home”, said a voter at A.C.K Polling station.

During this time, some facts attracted the attention of voters in the queues: a drank lady with jokes and songs at Ayani primary polling station in Kibera, creating a platform of debate with people wondering how she will be able to vote in this situation.

But the most important event of this morning in Kibera was the arrival of The Cords’ Presidential candidate Hon Raila Odinga, at exactly 9 am. The Premier arrived to cast his vote, only waving to acknowledge the mighty multitude of Kibra voters whom equally had turned up to vote.

The premier, who has represented Kibra/Langata constituency for twenty years is this time locked in a presidential contest pitting him against eight other contestants, with a close race projected between himself and Deputy premier Mr.Uhuru Kenyatta.

Addressing the press, Mr.Odinga said the people of Kenya value democracy, rule of law  and can be attested by the large turn out reported here and elsewhere.
He said his Coalition for Reforms and Democracy(CORD) represent the aspirations and the desire for real change in the country and he is confident of a win in first of vote.

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The Third Runner In The Election 2013

If Kenya election were to be held today neither Raila nor Uhuru would win; that is if Kenya democracy is really of age. Over the past years politics has been associated with a lot of negative energy and ethnicity mainly from the public and communities of the running candidates. It is no secret by now that 2007 election were the most denting in our times and it will forever be remembered vividly in our minds, that was the time Kenya as a nation lost over 1300 citizens in inter ethnic clashes and over 600 000 kenyans were displaced from their original homes to IDP (internal displaced people) camps.

This year though it is a different story with women, youths, young and the elderly all geared up and psyched up about the election. Again as it is in Kenya history it is a ‘’two horse affair” paving Raila Odinga of Cord and Uhuru Kenyatta of Jubilee coalition, the thing that many Kenyans may have overlooked is the third runner in this election to whom many have campaigned for, have advocated, for and even prayed for; “PEACE” he is a ghost contender in this race to the general election.

We have had from the Kenyan president, religious leaders, teachers union, NGOs to even young and school going children all advocating for the same message vote in peace and no matter what the result will be Kenya is ready to accept and move on for we have life after the 4th.

With all the effort put in place to make sure Kenya get a free fair safe and peaceful election I think I can now use this platform in confident to tell the whole world, what we all saw in some of the main stream media houses claiming that some part of Kenya is preparing for war after election is all but baseless information with no grain of truth in it, I personally am blogging from the hottest spot of violence in Kenya and the mood at the ground is peaceful with no form of hate speech or conflict arising.

So with that short a due I hereby present to you the winner of Kenya general election 2013 “PEACE”.


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Security Measures Surprise Many in Kibera

It is correct to regard Kibera as one of the safest places on earth, with the number of police officers seen patrolling the streets, you could have thought there was a riot or the president was visiting. There was a contingent of over twenty armed police officer patrolling over Kamkunji slum and over fifty officers patrolling Olympic area and stage. This were only the uniformed police, who an ordinary civilian like me could spot, but as far as the security of the independent Inspector General of Kenya police Mr. David Kimaiyo is concern we suspect amongst us there were also plain cloths officers.

george blog

The chief camp of Olympic is always the idling spot of some of the remnant of the illegal group siafu that for the past years has been collecting enforced taxes on business owners and even community members who were found repairing their homes. In literal terms it is correct to say this group own most of the activities in and around Kibera. But today it was a different story even they themselves were nowhere to be seen, the street was swept clean of any idlers, only passerby were allowed on the street.

That was only before Mr. Kimaiyo himself arrived, his arrival sent a shock wave of excitement over Olympic for an entourage of over thirty Mercedes Benz and three Land Rovers all full with police from all department came in and put all activities at a standstill for even the public service vehicles were forced to pack away from the road. There were the General Service unit (GSU), the CID, the Kenya Police and some other department that even I could not tell from the way the cars were been driven. This was part of the security measures that were set up for the arrival of Kimaiyo; the sole aim of the visit was to warn the resident of Kibera over any form of violence during and after election.

This was an encouraging move from the general, for it made common mwananchi like me assured of my security considering Kibera has been over the past election a hot spot and starting point of all the country wide mass action and demonstration. This move has proven that the 99 000 police officers sent to monitor election are ready to stop any form of irregularities and violence over this period. We are glad to see Kenya take a step to the right direction in term of civilian security during and after the election.

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One may argue that Kenya is prepared for a run off in the election. Financially? Yes, I think the IEBC may or can handle the do over of the election, but this is the question is Kenya as a nation ready for this?

It is only days away to the election and report released by the KNHRC commission shows that business are closing down or reducing their stocks to avoid losses that come with political violence, this is a threat to the national economy. We risk another recession in the near feature considering the tension and anxiety that comes with election, this has resulted to a massive exodus of people from the places they live to their rural home where they feel safe in the comfort of their tribes men. There are all indication of citizens not contended with their national security or with the national healing and reconciliation process. With 95% of our economy financed by Kenyans this posses a real threat to our country GDP growing rate which with every election year has been dropping . This post a great threat to the common Mwananchi who in case of a runoff has to again live in tension for the next 30 days, with fears of the unknown with a staggering economy where the labor output is almost running at zero % due to the national working days being reduced to pave way for the election and to give people a chance to vote. All we as a nation can hope for or pray for are peaceful election. Who ever win the election will be my president because am a Kenyan. MAY GOD BLESS KENYA.

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Radar trains citizen reporters in Kibera

Radar trained citizen reporters yesterday at Map Kibera Trust Office in preparation for upcoming general election coverage.

This is the final training for Map Kibera Trust members, who have been trained on Micro-reporting and blogging to make sure they report appropriately what will be transpiring at the polling station on fourth of march 2013. The micro-reporting model is designed for mobile phone reporting, which is a key tool for Voice of Kibera reporting.

“In micro-reporting, you use 20-25 words to tell the whole story. the message should contain the 5Ws + H.” said Libby Powell, the trainer.

The training  covered topics like hate speech verses criticism , the difference between facts and opinions and the difference local and international audience, and how they consume news. It also covered the safety of journalists when covering elections, and impartiality.

“We have trained 40 reporters so far who will monitor elections in 7 constituencies in Nairobi county” said Kepha Ngito, Map Kibera Trust CEO.

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Map Kibera Trust awareness creation in readiness to the Election Monitoring in March.

Map Kibera Trust is an organization started in Kibera way back in 2009. It comprises with 3 Kibera programs which are the Mapping Team, Kibera News Network and the Voice of Kibera as well as programs in Mathare and Mukuru.

Map Kibera Trust Vision is a society in which access to open information contribute to positive community transformation.

In line with its vision and the readiness to monitor and cover the upcoming elections there are lined up activities geared towards having a successful process. Some of these activities are the Wall Painting along the Kibera Drive, Map distribution, Media outreach, Community screening, Presentations, Stakeholder Mapping and fliers and posters distributions.

We have successfully managed to do Map Distribution, Community screenings, Presentations, Stakeholder Mapping and Posters and Fliers distributions.

Wall Painting

Having done the first digital map in Kibera late in 2009 the Trust has always been in an exercise of updating the map, printing and doing the distribution to Organisations in Kibera based on their thematic areas of operation which include Health, Security, Education among others.


In light of the fact that Kibera is densely populated it was not possible to distribute the maps to everybody and as such Map Kibera Trust sought to have the map painted on the wall.

Several attempts were made to find the wall on which to paint, finally a place was identified along Kibera drive opposite the Mosque.

The wall painting of the map will see other successful paintings in Kibera which will easy access to information and stir up community engagements at different levels.

As a matter of fact our mission of being a reliable source of community generated information will be achieved.

The power of information provided by the maps if well utilized will trigger development in Kibera and its environs.

Poster and Flier Distribution

On the 7th, 8th and 9th posters and fliers were distributed apart from sticking them in strategic area like DC, Kianda, Soweto and Highrise.


The main aim of doing the distribution was to get the general public participation in reporting the events unfolding during this elections period since we will not be in all the locations at the same time.

As the Voice of Kibera we will produce and distribute posters and fliers 3 days to the election date whose content will focus on the key issues to report about and the social media links where we will interact with them during the elections period.

As we move to create awareness in Gatwekera, Kambi Muru, Olympic, Makina  and Kisumu Ndogo we are optimistic that we will meet community members who are willing to complement our work during and after the election exercise. “Our team will go out of their way to report on the good as well as bad things happening at that time. This will put to a stop the misreporting/propaganda from the mainstream media.” Said the Voice of Kibera Team.

By VOK Team

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Rumours That Shape Kibera Politics: Party Nominations Dispute

Kibera street political analysts, as I may call them, and rumour mongers, have a very thin line separating them if the happenings of the past few days is anything to go by.

After fierce campaigns on 6th and 7th January, the ODM nominations were to take place on 18th.

The 18th came and people went to vote in one peace each confident that his or her candidate will clinch the party ticket.

After a full day of voting, rumours took over and went round on Friday 19th that the ODM Sarangombe county representative ticket had gone to Mr. Owino Ko’tieno, this was later to be confirmed by the returning officer at olympic primary school polling station.

The same rumours claimed that Mr. Amayo, a Kibra MP contestant had clinched the ODM ticket, hours later the same rumours reversed their claim that the confirmed winner was Mr. Ken Okoth. I never got to know how the confirmation came about and never bothered to ask since one didn’t actually need to ask, they would tell it to you anyway.

So I came to believe it when a friend told me that Mr. Ken Okoth had actually updated on social media that he had clinched the ODM ticket to run for Kibra mp.

It was at this point that the street political analysts of Kibera picked the story, and by saying street political analysts, I mean those individuals who stand by the roadside especially at newspapers vending points with a handful crowd around them, as they analyze the political situation of the moment. Try walking at olympic or kamkunji grounds, Kibera on a Sunday and you can’t miss them.

On this day, they took to analyze the possibility of Mr. Ken Okoth winning and how he had done it. According to one such analyst, Mr. Ken Okoth had only won in 2 polling stations and therefore could not be declared the winner. He argued that laini saba area residents had not been allowed to vote, and the area, according to him, was an Amayo stronghold.

As the rumour picked the story and went round with it, breaking it down in different versions, it seemed a group of youths decided to react to the rumour and marched to orange house in kilimani area, which houses ODM headquaters, to allegedly protest over why laini saba residents were denied a chance to participate in the nominations, where they were reported to have engaged in property destruction.

And despite the ODM electoral board announcing on a press conference that no certificate had been issued to any candidate yet, a rumour still went round that Mr. Owino Ko’tieno, who had been announced the winner of county rep. ODM ticket, had been denied the certificate, and, according to the rumour, given to Mr. Kajwang, who was also contesting for county representative ODM ticket in sarangombe. It’s believed that this could have been the reason for the rowdiness that followed thereafter that led to youths engaging in property destruction at Redrose school in olympic, a school that is believed to be owned by Mr. Ken Okoth, who, according to random sources in Kibera, was being accused of working to make sure Mr. Owino Kotieno did not have the certificate. There were several versions of this story depending on who you ask, and which side he/she supported and the mood on the ground. In one particular version, Mr. Ken Okoth is alleged to have been asked who he wanted to work with and mentioned Kajwang instead of Kotieno, but I could never tell who to believe among the several story tellers I listened to.

And even after ODM board made it clear that no certificate had been issued, the youths went ahead to lay barricades along kibera drive near olympic stage.

Moments later, police from the general service unit were deployed to quell the lawlessness and violence. Running battles ensued, leaving scores of people injured among them 2 journalists from the mainstream media.

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