The upgrading program in Kibera has encountered yet another challenge apart from the recent one of allocating only the People from Kibera to their rightful houses instead of the rich taking the advantage.

It has been proven that the same people who where given the opportunity to move from the shanty to the new houses some years ago by the government have started renting the rooms to middle class people.

The initiative of moving people from the the slums to the new flats was one of the key goals set by the government of Kenya. This was one goal meant to reduce slums from the suburb of the capital Nairobi and Kenya at large. The government in collaboration with the United Nations for Human Settlement(UN-HABITAT) had made the dreams of many people in Kibera come true after starting allocating of people to the flats in Lang’ata.

In addition to all these advantages some people are throwing away the opportunity and have started making a living from their well-build decent houses by renting their rooms to other people who are better off.

Diskson a resident from Kibera who got a chance to shift to the new houses said, “They charge a lot of money in these houses . Which many of us are unable to pay.” They rent Ksh.1000 for a two-roomed house with water and electricity inclusive. Many of the residents who want to go back to the slums complain very much comparing to the rent they used to pay in the houses they used to live and the new ones.

The government recently evicted some of the tenants from their houses because it was believed that they were brewing chang’aa for sale and for a living in the new houses or doing other illegal businesses.

The government is now aware of the practice and has promised to take immediate action for the people who are trying to go against the contract they had earlier signed and those who are doing illegal business with the rooms awarded to them, one way of ensuring that genuine and rightful owners benefit from the project.

Their is also a challenge from residents who claim that Kibera is the land of their forefathers and do not want to move away from the their locations claiming they live together with their extended families and they do not want to lose the rent they charge for the houses they own in the slum.

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Its very unfortunate that this situation is getting out of hand and nothing is being done to salvage those who are hard hitten by this hunger and starvation for Gods sake.We must admit the fact and it should be declared that its a natural dissaster facing our continent Africa and kenya in particular
.This year season and the past seems to have had inadequate amount of rainfall or not enough at all. which leads to low level of agricultural productions and farm produce of food stuffs .As a result its leads to high cost of living and non affordale food consumption.One cant afford to buy enough food or even balanced diet to feed the family who are starving or malnutrition in the sense that every thing is to expensive.Its even rare to afford just even one meal a day just to push you for the next day.In some instances some end up starving for aday or two.with eating something or even just a glass of water you cant imagine how fellow human being is facing life,
The drought is claiming lives of our blessed people ,especially the elderly ,women and children in most part of the dry areas of the country. especially in the north-eastern parts of kenya and the neighbourig countries like Ethiopia Somalia,Sudan and Eritriea..It hIgh time now that the government need to do something to save the situation which is getting out of hand .If not, for the Humanitarian organizations that had to intervene so as to resque the situation, I think by now we would have been talking another thing all together a great number people lost lives .
More and more people are facing it rough not only in those hard hitten area but also here amongst us here in Kibera .Life has drastically change and prices have sky rocketed that one cant afford even proper meal or skips lunch to recover the supper with tea or bread,(chai ya rangi tost kavu )” black tea with dry bread ” to push that day my be tomorrow it be better ,No jobs minimal wage and remmember now how things ,to much expensive one cant afford Just imagine No food to eat ,no money to spend, maybe one has a family and no constant job what the hell. .
Things are getting harder day in day out but there is very little hope overcome for those who are mybe employed or has a business just to make ends meet ………..

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Street Children in Kibera

If you ever thought street children are in the town alone, then think again. Here in Kibera we also have street children. The only differnce between the street children in Kibera and those in town eg. the CBD of Nairobi, Nakuru, Naivasha, Kisumu and Mombasa is that most of those who live in Kibera have parents.

These children, i do not wish to call them ‘Street Children’ at all but they indeed have a way of living. They wake up every morning like any other school goer/employed person would do, to go out to the suburbs because they have no schools to go to like other ordinary children. It is not a shock to find children between the age of 9 – 16 years of age picking up plastic material, metal and steel on the drainage areas the sewerage  around.

And again a question arises, Why are they picking up these waste material?

During my research, i  found out that they pick up these material for sale and this is how they earn their living. They would pick up plastic material  in one sack and metal in another sack if they are children between the age of 9 – 12. The younger age usually walk in groups of 4 or 5 while doing what they do in their daily life. This is basically because of protection from brutal people around the areas and fear of being chased by dogs if they are seen carrying the sacks.

The older usually go gathering all by themselves carrying one or two sacks according to how much they can carry. They would take the sacks to Laini Saba or  Makina just mentioning two locations. They would sell their collections of the day at Ksh. 15 per Kilogram of Plastic material and Ksh. 25 per Kilogram of Metal. According to the attendant at the collection point the plastics and the metal are taken to industrial area every week for recycle. After selling their days products they would buy mostly food with the money or go gambling with the money. Those with parents would go back home and try to share it with the rest of the family.

Who is to blame? I ask myself one more time?

Is it the parents of the children who sometimes chase the children away from home or when the children feel they are been mistreated run away from their homes?

Is it the government for raising the life standards so high that it forces less privileged families to struggle with life or send their children out to the streets?

Should these children be somewhere in school learning?

Should these children be at home during the holidays helping their parents?



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Slum film festival is a pilot film festival that will and is focusing on films made by and about the slums.The pilot edition will focus on the images of slums around Nairobi,with the vision of expansion to include films from around the world in future editions.
There are many reasons why a public film event in the slums can become a positive initiative for the slum and its artists.This new cultural activity does not want to legitimise the existence of these informal human settlements,but to raise (more) public attention while changing people perspectives towards these spaces and the people who live there.The festival is to materialise the following:
The  film event will  become a platform for the film scene of the slum to reach other film events or the international film festival circuit and then facilitate  broader opportunities to this filmmakers.
The slum film festival will spread a different and more realistic picture of the slums.Slums are prone to health,social,environment and education problems,etc.This event will demonstrate that together with these critical conditions to be denounced,slums are also home for very talented and,creative and culturally active actors.The slums will also be seen as centre of production or producer of the stories besides being seen as film locations(spaces of film industry).
This festival will also be a magnet for media attention,while changing media discourses about slum’s realities.This media presence will allow mainstream media to acknowledge the presence of smaller slum based media content producers.
The contest is open to youth aged between 18-30 years interestedd in art and filmmaking from kibera and Mathare slums,as well as those artists from informal settlement. Professional artists not from the informal settlement are not eligible.
The festival is in two phases;
The first phase is the workshop, it’s mainly to train ten youth from any slum in Nairobi on story telling in video,the objective being to impart skills  of video to tell a story in video form.The filmmaking workshop is currently taking place at hotsun foundation,kibera.
After all this,a panel of judges will select the best camera work,the best video and editing.
Certificate of participation will be awarded to all.
The second phase is the screening of the different videos about kibera  from now till the 14th of Aug 2011 at kamkunji ground kibera.
As from  15-21Aug 2011 recruitment and training  of those interested in arts and filmmaking will take place in mathare,at mathare special training centre

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Football in Kibera

Football is a widely played and watched game all over the world, Kibera being no exception. It is indeed encouraging to see even children under the age of 10 years playing football with much enthusiasm and getting rewards as well as recognition in the wider community. We sought to find out exactly the situation on the ground.


Geoffrey Ekesa, ‘photo above’ a football coach with Marren FC when prompted to talk about what he likes most, he quickly mentions that football is and was his passion since childhood. He played football for a long time but  never rose above Kibera since there was no mechanism in place to help him play in the national teams.

“Now that I was not progressing, I decided to help the young talented kids here in Kibera to nature their talents” With the skills gained in football all this time he felt that passing them to Kids will help them to;     

  1. Avoid being idle
  2. Avoid bad morals
  3. Change their behaviour and socialise with other tribes since they train together and can share issues that they go through on a daily basis
  4. Be exposed to scholarship opportunities because of their talent
  5. Engage in different activities; community clean-ups, pro-awareness tournaments on several issues such as peace, HIV/AIDS, sexual gender based violence and education.

Even though the kids are being positively transformed, a lot more needs to be done.

  1.  The need to expose the talent to the outside world so that they can play in other under15 clubs outside kibera,
  2. Accessing training facilities and materials to improve football skills.

 “I want to see the players I coach play at the national level”-Geoffrey.

             Abel John, one of the football coaches in Kibera shares same ideology as Geoffrey as he decries of the unstable state they are in as coaches in Kibera but he is hopeful that things will change for the better with shifting of the ground {the promulgation of the new constitution} He wants to see discipline instilled in the sport so that upcoming players can have a chance to play in any team hence their success and that they should play but get educated as well.


It was interesting to talk to this young Kenyan who can’t let a day go by without touching a ball. Clinspor Lokale, 12 years mostly known as ‘Deco’ is one such young talented player. He is a striker and he sees himself playing for Man-u in the near future so that he can help fend for their family that leaves in Kibera.

He continues to dream that some day someone will take the responsibility of putting up a football training institution right here in Kibera so that the much talked about talent can be put to use for the greater good of  society. “My piece of advice to my fellow friends is that, they should not keep up but rather stay in the game and most importantly avoid bad company and success shall surely come their way in the world of football.








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Here is the list of the tribal government of Kenya for you view and wonder:


President——————————————————Mwai Kibaki

Deputy Prime Minister———————————-Uhuru Kenyatta

Minister for Finance——————-Uhuru Kenyatta

Minister Internal Security —–George Muthengi Saitoti

Minister Transport ———————–Amos Kimunya

Minister Environment——————John Michuki

Minister Special Programmes——-Esther Mirugi

Minister Nairobi Metro—–Njeru Githae

Minister Energy——-Kiraitu Murungi

Secretary to the Cabinet——————–Francis Muthaura

ICT Secretary————————————Dr. Katherine Getao

SCAC Secretary———————————-Mr. Stephen K. Kirogo

Office of the President:

Internal Security and Prov. Admin. Minister—Prof. George Saitoti

Permanent Secretary—————————-Francis T. Kimemia

Senior Director—————————————-E. Mutea Iringo

Government Printer——————————Andrew G. Rukaria

NSC – Peace and Conflict Management—————–S.K. Maina

Administration Police Commandant——–Kinuthia Mbugua

Criminal Investigation Department

CID Director——————Francis Ndegwa Muhoro

Director General NSIS——–Michael Gichangi

Commissioner of Police——–Mathew Iteere

Provincial Commissioners:

Nairobi Province——————————Njoroge Ndirangu

Coast Province———————————Ernest G. Munyi

Regional Commissioners(created dubiously)

LOWER CENTRAL————————————Joseph Irungu

NORTH COAST————————————Elijah Nduati Thiabii

WEST COAST—————————————————J. Kirubi

NYANZA EAST—————————————–Lydia Muriuki

CENTRAL RIFT VALLEY—————————-Amos Gathecha

SOUTH RIFT VALLEY—————————–Naftary Mungathia

District Commissioners:

1.Gatanga—————————————- Patrick Mukuria
2.Gatundu———————————————– J.M. Mwirigi
3.Kiambu West————————————– Esther Maina
4.Lari ———————————————– S. M. Irungu
5.Ruiru —————————————— Erastus M. Mbui
6.Thika West ———————————— W. G. Njenga
7.Nyeri Central ———————————— M.W. Mwangi
8.Mirangini ——————————— Gicheru Mwai Jeremiah
9.Tana Delta ——————————–Elias Gitau Kitharu
10.Wajir North —————————— Charles Mbugua
11.Wajir South ————————— G.P. Risie
12.Wajir Wes t——————————– Samuel W. Kimiti
13.Baringo Central —————————— Joseph Muriithi
14.Koibatek ————————————- John G.R. Chege
15.Laikipia East ——————————– J. M. Mathenge
16.Mogotio ——————————————- K. J. Ngumo
17.Nakuru ————————————- Thuku Kangethe
18.Njoro —————————————– Jim Njoka
19.Samburu Central ———————– Tom G. Macheneri
20.Samburu North ————————— Moses N. Mbaruku
21.Trans Nzoia East————————- N. K. Mungathia
22.Trans Nzoia West ————————– Wilfred Kinyua
23.West Pokot ———————————– Allan Macharia
24.Kajiado North —————————– Murang’a Morekwa
25.Narok North ————————– Njoroge Ndirangu
26.Narok South —————————————– M. Mwaga
27.Trans Mara West ———————– Mbogo Mathioyah
28.Turkana South —————————— J.M. Kanyiri
29.Turkana West ————————— Patrick Muriira
30.Kericho ——————————————– S.K. Njora
31.Busia —————————————— A. M. Gitonga
32. Keiyo North …………………………………….Karugu

State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) Out of 12

1. Chairman————————–Mr. David Namu
2. Member———————–Dr. Philomena Wairimu Muiruri
3. Member——————– Peter Wellington Wambura
4. Member——————————-Mr. Mwangi Ngumo
5. Member——————————–Mr. Richard M. Kariuki
6. Member——————————Mr. Sammy Mwencha
7. Member——————————–Mr. Silas K. Kobia
8. Secretary————————— Mr. Stephen K. Kirogo


Minister –————————————Uhuru Kenyatta
Permanent Secretary———————–Joseph Kinyua
Economic Secretary—————————Kamau Thuge
Pensions secretary——————————Anne Mugo
Budgetary director——————————-P.B Ngugi
ERD director——————————–Kenneth Mwangi
D/Finance secretary————————–Mwirichia
Senior Principal Accountant—————–Wilson N. Kingathia


Governor——————————Njuguna Ndung’u
Member ———————————-Joseph Kinyua
Member ———————————-Nicholas Nesbitt
Member ————————————Agnes Wanjiru
Director, Research ———————–Charles Gitari Koori
Director, Sch. of Monetary St.————Kinandu Muragu


Director of Audit ——————-Mr. Alex Nthiga Rugera –
Assistant Director of Audit ————-Mr. Dennis Theuri Kariuki –
Principal Auditor—————— Mr. Daniel Muiruri Ndungu –
Auditor I ————————–Mr. Peter N. Wangai


Chairman – Phillip Njuki
Chief Executive Officer – David Wachira


1. Commissioner General: Michael Waweru
2. Board Secretary: Mrs. Ngang’a
3. Senior Deputy Commissioner, Investigation & Enforcement: Mr Joseph Nduati
4. Deputy Commissioner, Investigation and Enforcement: Mr Namu Nguru
5. Deputy Commissioner, Administration: Mr Karimi
6. Deputy Commissioner Procurement: Ms Murichu
7. Commissioner Customs: Mrs Wambui Namu
8. Senior Deputy Commissioner (Customs): Ms Githinji
9. Deputy Commissioner, Enforcement (Customs): Mr Maina
10. Deputy Commissioner, Finance: Ms Wachira
11. Commissioner Domestic Taxes (LTO)- Mr Njiraini
12. Deputy Commissioner: Mrs Mwangi
13. Senior Deputy Commissioner, Finance: Mrs King’ori
14. Senior Assistant Commissioner, Security: Major Kariuki
15. Senior Deputy Commissioner, Southern Region: Wagachira

120 Management trainees recruited to KRA IN 2005, 67/120 are Kikuyus


Board Chair——————— Chege Waruingi
CEO ——————————— Edward N’talami
Director———————————Jimmna Mbaru
Director—————————-Ms. Grace Ngigi
Director———————–Mr. Joseph Munene Murage


Chief Procurement Officers – 23 out of 36 first appointees are all
from GEMA. Rest of Kenya = the remaining 13 (out of the 36).


Chairman of Board – Nelius Kariuki
Chief Executive Officer – Johnson Githaka
Financial controller – John Kinyua

The New CEO-Mrs.Mbogo
The latter two were just recently sacked for grand corruption

Kenya Institute of Education(KIE)

Director – Gabriel Muita
Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)
Chairman – H.M Kimura

Commission for Higher Education (CHE)

Head of scholarships /credentialing – Gabriel Kamau
Snr Asst. Commissioner- George Njine
Head of Administration (Asst. Comm) – Margaret Kobia


Permanent secretary – Zachary Mwaura
Vice Chief of Armed Forces – Lt. Gen. Julius Karangi
Army Commandant – Lt. Gen. Augustine Njoroge
Navy Commandant – Maj. Gen. Mwathethe
Dep. Air Force Commandant – Maj. Gen. Jackson Waweru


Asst. Minister(s) Kilemi Mwiria
Permanent Secretary – Karega Mutahi
Director Basic Education – Mary Njoroge
Director City Education – Margaret Thiongo

Ministry For Foreign Affairs

Permanent Secretary – Thuita Mwangi (on suspension)
Political and Diplomatic Secretary — P.S. Wamoto
Chief of Protocol ——M.D. Kinyanjui
Director of Administration—— Mr J. Ndathi
Deputy Director for Political and Diplomatic Affairs –Mr A. Kihurani


Inter Org, Confs &Int Jobs —————————– S.K Maina
Great Lakes region————————————–Jean Kimani
Assets Management——————–Dr. Margaret Gachuru
East African Community Affairs————–Mr. Njogu Ngariama
Economics & Trade——————————-Mr. J. M. Weru
Accounts————————————-Mr. K. Mugwe
Public Affairs & Communication————–Ms. J .Ngunia
Host Country & Consular Division——Ms. Nyambura Kamau
Public Complaints Desk———————Ms. Diana Kiambuthi


UN—————————————H.E. KAMAU MACHARIA
UK—————————————-H.E. MR. IPHRAIM NGARE

Permanent Secretaries:

Agriculture————————-Dr. Romano Kiome

Office of the President———–Francis Muthaura

Internal Security and Provincial Administration—Mr. Francis Kimemia

Private Secretary to the President————Prof. Nick Wanjohi

Comptroller State House—————–Dr. Nelson Githinji

Secretary Presidential Press Service—–Mr. Isaiya Kabira

PM Office: PS Public Sector Reforms and Performance Contracting—Mr. Richard Ndubai

PS Office of Deputy prime Minister ———-Prof. Karega Mutahi

Energy PS————–Mr. Patrick M. Nyoike, C.B.S.

Finance PS————–Mr. Joseph K. Kinyua, C.B.S.

Fisheries PS———— Prof Micheni Ntiba

Foreign Affairs PS———— Amb Patrick Wamoto (Acting)

Industrialization PS————- Dr. (Eng.) Kibicho Karanja

Medical Services————- Ms. Mary Ngari

Director of Medical Services:——Dr. Francis Kimani

Metropolitan–Secretary Physical Planning –Eng. Ndirangu Maina

Roads PS———— Mr. Michael Kamau

Transport PS———-Silas Njiru

PS Ministry of Youth————Mr. James Muiru Waweru

Controller and Auditor General—– Mrs. Priscilla Njeri Komora

Public Service Commission

Chairman—————–Mr. Titus Justus Kahiga Gateere
Mrs. Mary M. Gikuuri, OGW (Commissioner)
Ruth Njoki Mathai (Commissioner)
Mrs. Josephine K. Gichuhi (Commissioner)
Mr. Onesmus Njathika Ireri (Commissioner)
Mr.Johnson G. Kibera, OGW (Commissioner)
Mr. John Muketha, SS (Commissioner)

Kenya Institute of Administration Director: Margaret Kobia

Water Services Regulatory Board Chairman:Jane Njagi

NACADA—- Chairman:Frank Njenga
Secretary: Jenipher Kimani

Kenya Tourist Development Corporation Chairman: Charles Wachira

Public Archives Advisory Council Director:Lawrence Mwangi

Export Promotion Council Chairman:Peter Kimuyu

Tea Board of Kenya Chairman:Sicily Kariuki

Retirement Benefit Authority Director:Kanyi Gachoka

Kenya Water Institute Chairman:Jacob Kaimenyi

Kenya Re-Insurance Corporation

Chairman: Nelius Kariuki
Director: Eunice Mbogo

Capital Markets Authority Chairman:Chege Waruinge

Consolidated Bank of Kenya Director—-David Ndegwa

Kenya Post Office Savings Bank
Chairman: Wilson Kinyua CEO: Nyambura Koigi

KASNEB Chairman:Francis Kibera
CEO: Erastus Gitau

Kenya National Assurance Chairman:Alexander Kaminchia

Capital Markets Tribunal Chairman:Morris Njage

Kenya Institute of Public Policy and Research
Director:Moses Ikiara

National Irrigation Board Chairman:Francis Gichaga

Kenya National Trading Corporation Director:Gladys Maina

Kenya Industrial Property Institute Chairman:Moses Thairu

East African Portland Company Director:Ndegwa Kagio

Industrial Property Tribunal Chairman:Lillian Wanjira

Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute Director:Elias Njoka

Numerical Machining Complex Chairman:Jonathan Muturi

Co-operative College of Kenya Principal:Esther Gicheru

Pyrethrum Board of Kenya Chairman:Isaac Mwangi

New Kenya Cooperative Creameries
Chairman:Matu Wamae
Managing Director: Francis Mwangi

Tana and Athi River Development Authority
Chairman:A Mureithi
Director: S.Maina

Horticultural Corporation Development Authority
Chairman: Joseph Kibe

Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Director:Nancy Karimi

Agricultural Finance Corporation Chairman:Patrick Kariuki

National Sports Stadia Management Authority Director:S.Mwai

National Housing Corporation Director:J.Ruitha

Kenya Cultural Centre Chairman:M Kaggia

Kenya National Library Director:Irene Muthoni

Moi University Chairman:Evan Mwai

Kenya Literature Bureau Director:Adams Karauri

Kenya Education Staff Institute
Chairman: Joseph Kimura
Director: B .Gachanja

Commission for Higher Education Chairman:Kihumbu Thairu

Kenya Power and Lighting Company Director: E.Njoroge

Higher Education Loans Board Chairman:Joseph Kimura

Water Service Trust Fund Director:S.Mwangi


Managing Director & CEO———————Edward Njoroge
Non- Executive Director—————————–Joseph Kinyua
Non- Executive Director—————————–Patrick Nyoike
Non- Executive Director———————-Sarah W. Wainaina
Non- Executive Director—————————Musa Ndeto
Non- Executive Director—————————-George M Njagi
Non- Executive Director—————————Humprey Muhu
Non- Executive Director————————-Patrick Nyoike
Non- Executive Director ———————Henry Nyamu M’Narobi
Non- Executive Director——————–Rebecca Miano


Managing Director & CEO———————— Edward Njoroge

Operations Director———————–Richard Nderitu

Business Development & Strategy-Director Albert Mugo

Regulatory Affairs Director———————-Simon Ngure

Company Secretary/ Legal & Corporate Affairs Director—-Rebecca Miano


Transformation Monitoring Office Manager—- David Muthike
Corporate Affairs Manage————————- Mike Njeru
Supply Chain Manager——————- Patrick Kimemia
Operations Manager, Eastern Hydro———- Joel Ngugi
Operations Manager, Geothermal———— John Karanja
Operations Manager, Western Hydro—— Frank Konuche
Technical Services Manager ———————-Solomon Kariuki
Geothermal Development Manager————S. Muchemi
Capital Planning & Strategy Manager— Elizabeth Njenga
Regulatory Affairs Manager ——————–John Ndambiri
Environment & CDM Manager —————Pius Kollikho
Projects Execution Manager————— David Kagiri
Human Resources Manager ——————- John Maina
Performance Management Manager—— Mary Waceke Muia
Insurance Manager—————————- Ann Mbugua
Technical Services & Quality————- Manager Henry Ithiami
Special Project Manager————————George Mugo

Athi Water Service Board Director————-L.Mwangi

National Oil Corporation

Chairman————————————-Mr. Peter K. Munga
Director—————————————-Mr. Patrick Nyoike
Director—————————————-Mr. Joseph Kinyua
Director—————————————-Mr. Paul G. Ngatia
Director—————————————-Mr. Paul Muhia Ngugi
Director—————————————-Mr. James Gacheru
Director—————————————-Mr Gaciku Kangari

Communication Commission of Kenya
Chairman: ———————————— Joseph Njagi
Director: —————————————John Waweru

Coast Water Service Board Chairman:Joseph Muturi

Kenya Film Corporation Director:Wachira Waruru

Tana Water Service Board-Chairman:James Kimani

National Council for Science and Technology
Chairman: Henry Thairu
Secretary: G.Kingoria

Kenya Petroleum Refinery Chairman:Justus Kagenu

Coffee Research Foundation
Chairman: K.Njuguna
Director: J.Kimemia

Energy Tribunal Chairman:Njuguna Nganga

Kenya Airports Authority Director:George Muhoho

Kenya Railway Chairman:Jonathan Muturi

Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Director;David Waweru

Postal Corporation of Kenya Chairman:Peter Kariuki

Kenyatta National Hospital
Chairman: Margaret Wanjohi
Director: Jotham Micheni

Kenya Information and Communication Technology
Chairman: Cathrine Ngahu

Nyayo Tea Zones Director:Anne Karimi

Kenya Medical Training College Chairman:James Kahindi

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute
Chairman: J.Muthengi
Director: E.Mukithira

Agricultural Development Corporation
Chairman: L.Wariunge

Kenya Sisal Board Director:Charles Kagwimi

Agricultural Information Research CentreChairman: Thirikwa Kamau


Registrar General – Ms. Bernice Gichegu
Solicitor General – Wanjuki Muchemi


1.Hon. Mr. Justice Hatari Peter George Waweru
2.Hon. Lady Justice Jeanne Wanjiku Gacheche
3.Hon. Lady Justice Jessie Wanjiku
4.Hon. Lady Justice Joyce Nyokabi Khaminwa
5.Hon. Mr. Justice Leonard Njagi
6.Hon. Mr. Justice George B.M. Kariuki
7.Hon. Lady Justice Martha K. Koome
9.Hon. Mr. Justice Paul Kihara Kariuki
10.Hon. Mr. Justice David Maraga
11.Hon. Lady Justice Murugi Gateri Mugo
12.Hon. Lady Justice Wanjiru Karanja
13.Hon. Mr. Justice Joseph R. Karanja
14.Hon. Lady Justice Florence Nyaguthii

The New Constitution: 130 (2): The composition of the national executive shall reflect the regional and ethnic diversity of the people of Kenya.

Here is the list of the tribal government of Kenya for you view and wonder:


President——————————————————Mwai Kibaki

Deputy Prime Minister———————————-Uhuru Kenyatta

Minister for Finance——————-Uhuru Kenyatta

Minister Internal Security —–George Muthengi Saitoti

Minister Transport ———————–Amos Kimunya

Minister Environment——————John Michuki

Minister Special Programmes——-Esther Mirugi

Minister Nairobi Metro—–Njeru Githae

Minister Energy——-Kiraitu Murungi

Secretary to the Cabinet——————–Francis Muthaura

ICT Secretary————————————Dr. Katherine Getao

SCAC Secretary———————————-Mr. Stephen K. Kirogo

Office of the President:

Internal Security and Prov. Admin. Minister—Prof. George Saitoti

Permanent Secretary—————————-Francis T. Kimemia

Senior Director—————————————-E. Mutea Iringo

Government Printer——————————Andrew G. Rukaria

NSC – Peace and Conflict Management—————–S.K. Maina

Administration Police Commandant——–Kinuthia Mbugua

Criminal Investigation Department

CID Director——————Francis Ndegwa Muhoro

Director General NSIS——–Michael Gichangi

Commissioner of Police——–Mathew Iteere

Provincial Commissioners:

Nairobi Province——————————Njoroge Ndirangu

Coast Province———————————Ernest G. Munyi

Regional Commissioners(created dubiously)

LOWER CENTRAL————————————Joseph Irungu

NORTH COAST————————————Elijah Nduati Thiabii

WEST COAST—————————————————J. Kirubi

NYANZA EAST—————————————–Lydia Muriuki

CENTRAL RIFT VALLEY—————————-Amos Gathecha

SOUTH RIFT VALLEY—————————–Naftary Mungathia

District Commissioners:

1.Gatanga—————————————- Patrick Mukuria
2.Gatundu———————————————– J.M. Mwirigi
3.Kiambu West————————————– Esther Maina
4.Lari ———————————————– S. M. Irungu
5.Ruiru —————————————— Erastus M. Mbui
6.Thika West ———————————— W. G. Njenga
7.Nyeri Central ———————————— M.W. Mwangi
8.Mirangini ——————————— Gicheru Mwai Jeremiah
9.Tana Delta ——————————–Elias Gitau Kitharu
10.Wajir North —————————— Charles Mbugua
11.Wajir South ————————— G.P. Risie
12.Wajir Wes t——————————– Samuel W. Kimiti
13.Baringo Central —————————— Joseph Muriithi
14.Koibatek ————————————- John G.R. Chege
15.Laikipia East ——————————– J. M. Mathenge
16.Mogotio ——————————————- K. J. Ngumo
17.Nakuru ————————————- Thuku Kangethe
18.Njoro —————————————– Jim Njoka
19.Samburu Central ———————– Tom G. Macheneri
20.Samburu North ————————— Moses N. Mbaruku
21.Trans Nzoia East————————- N. K. Mungathia
22.Trans Nzoia West ————————– Wilfred Kinyua
23.West Pokot ———————————– Allan Macharia
24.Kajiado North —————————– Murang’a Morekwa
25.Narok North ————————– Njoroge Ndirangu
26.Narok South —————————————– M. Mwaga
27.Trans Mara West ———————– Mbogo Mathioyah
28.Turkana South —————————— J.M. Kanyiri
29.Turkana West ————————— Patrick Muriira
30.Kericho ——————————————– S.K. Njora
31.Busia —————————————— A. M. Gitonga
32. Keiyo North …………………………………….Karugu

State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) Out of 12

1. Chairman————————–Mr. David Namu
2. Member———————–Dr. Philomena Wairimu Muiruri
3. Member——————– Peter Wellington Wambura
4. Member——————————-Mr. Mwangi Ngumo
5. Member——————————–Mr. Richard M. Kariuki
6. Member——————————Mr. Sammy Mwencha
7. Member——————————–Mr. Silas K. Kobia
8. Secretary————————— Mr. Stephen K. Kirogo


Minister –————————————Uhuru Kenyatta
Permanent Secretary———————–Joseph Kinyua
Economic Secretary—————————Kamau Thuge
Pensions secretary——————————Anne Mugo
Budgetary director——————————-P.B Ngugi
ERD director——————————–Kenneth Mwangi
D/Finance secretary————————–Mwirichia
Senior Principal Accountant—————–Wilson N. Kingathia


Governor——————————Njuguna Ndung’u
Member ———————————-Joseph Kinyua
Member ———————————-Nicholas Nesbitt
Member ————————————Agnes Wanjiru
Director, Research ———————–Charles Gitari Koori
Director, Sch. of Monetary St.————Kinandu Muragu


Director of Audit ——————-Mr. Alex Nthiga Rugera –
Assistant Director of Audit ————-Mr. Dennis Theuri Kariuki –
Principal Auditor—————— Mr. Daniel Muiruri Ndungu –
Auditor I ————————–Mr. Peter N. Wangai


Chairman – Phillip Njuki
Chief Executive Officer – David Wachira


1. Commissioner General: Michael Waweru
2. Board Secretary: Mrs. Ngang’a
3. Senior Deputy Commissioner, Investigation & Enforcement: Mr Joseph Nduati
4. Deputy Commissioner, Investigation and Enforcement: Mr Namu Nguru
5. Deputy Commissioner, Administration: Mr Karimi
6. Deputy Commissioner Procurement: Ms Murichu
7. Commissioner Customs: Mrs Wambui Namu
8. Senior Deputy Commissioner (Customs): Ms Githinji
9. Deputy Commissioner, Enforcement (Customs): Mr Maina
10. Deputy Commissioner, Finance: Ms Wachira
11. Commissioner Domestic Taxes (LTO)- Mr Njiraini
12. Deputy Commissioner: Mrs Mwangi
13. Senior Deputy Commissioner, Finance: Mrs King’ori
14. Senior Assistant Commissioner, Security: Major Kariuki
15. Senior Deputy Commissioner, Southern Region: Wagachira

120 Management trainees recruited to KRA IN 2005, 67/120 are Kikuyus


Board Chair——————— Chege Waruingi
CEO ——————————— Edward N’talami
Director———————————Jimmna Mbaru
Director—————————-Ms. Grace Ngigi
Director———————–Mr. Joseph Munene Murage


Chief Procurement Officers – 23 out of 36 first appointees are all
from GEMA. Rest of Kenya = the remaining 13 (out of the 36).


Chairman of Board – Nelius Kariuki
Chief Executive Officer – Johnson Githaka
Financial controller – John Kinyua

The New CEO-Mrs.Mbogo
The latter two were just recently sacked for grand corruption

Kenya Institute of Education(KIE)

Director – Gabriel Muita
Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)
Chairman – H.M Kimura

Commission for Higher Education (CHE)

Head of scholarships /credentialing – Gabriel Kamau
Snr Asst. Commissioner- George Njine
Head of Administration (Asst. Comm) – Margaret Kobia


Permanent secretary – Zachary Mwaura
Vice Chief of Armed Forces – Lt. Gen. Julius Karangi
Army Commandant – Lt. Gen. Augustine Njoroge
Navy Commandant – Maj. Gen. Mwathethe
Dep. Air Force Commandant – Maj. Gen. Jackson Waweru


Asst. Minister(s) Kilemi Mwiria
Permanent Secretary – Karega Mutahi
Director Basic Education – Mary Njoroge
Director City Education – Margaret Thiongo

Ministry For Foreign Affairs

Permanent Secretary – Thuita Mwangi (on suspension)
Political and Diplomatic Secretary — P.S. Wamoto
Chief of Protocol ——M.D. Kinyanjui
Director of Administration—— Mr J. Ndathi
Deputy Director for Political and Diplomatic Affairs –Mr A. Kihurani


Inter Org, Confs &Int Jobs —————————– S.K Maina
Great Lakes region————————————–Jean Kimani
Assets Management——————–Dr. Margaret Gachuru
East African Community Affairs————–Mr. Njogu Ngariama
Economics & Trade——————————-Mr. J. M. Weru
Accounts————————————-Mr. K. Mugwe
Public Affairs & Communication————–Ms. J .Ngunia
Host Country & Consular Division——Ms. Nyambura Kamau
Public Complaints Desk———————Ms. Diana Kiambuthi


UN—————————————H.E. KAMAU MACHARIA
UK—————————————-H.E. MR. IPHRAIM NGARE

Permanent Secretaries:

Agriculture————————-Dr. Romano Kiome

Office of the President———–Francis Muthaura

Internal Security and Provincial Administration—Mr. Francis Kimemia

Private Secretary to the President————Prof. Nick Wanjohi

Comptroller State House—————–Dr. Nelson Githinji

Secretary Presidential Press Service—–Mr. Isaiya Kabira

PM Office: PS Public Sector Reforms and Performance Contracting—Mr. Richard Ndubai

PS Office of Deputy prime Minister ———-Prof. Karega Mutahi

Energy PS————–Mr. Patrick M. Nyoike, C.B.S.

Finance PS————–Mr. Joseph K. Kinyua, C.B.S.

Fisheries PS———— Prof Micheni Ntiba

Foreign Affairs PS———— Amb Patrick Wamoto (Acting)

Industrialization PS————- Dr. (Eng.) Kibicho Karanja

Medical Services————- Ms. Mary Ngari

Director of Medical Services:——Dr. Francis Kimani

Metropolitan–Secretary Physical Planning –Eng. Ndirangu Maina

Roads PS———— Mr. Michael Kamau

Transport PS———-Silas Njiru

PS Ministry of Youth————Mr. James Muiru Waweru

Controller and Auditor General—– Mrs. Priscilla Njeri Komora

Public Service Commission

Chairman—————–Mr. Titus Justus Kahiga Gateere
Mrs. Mary M. Gikuuri, OGW (Commissioner)
Ruth Njoki Mathai (Commissioner)
Mrs. Josephine K. Gichuhi (Commissioner)
Mr. Onesmus Njathika Ireri (Commissioner)
Mr.Johnson G. Kibera, OGW (Commissioner)
Mr. John Muketha, SS (Commissioner)

Kenya Institute of Administration Director: Margaret Kobia

Water Services Regulatory Board Chairman:Jane Njagi

NACADA—- Chairman:Frank Njenga
Secretary: Jenipher Kimani

Kenya Tourist Development Corporation Chairman: Charles Wachira

Public Archives Advisory Council Director:Lawrence Mwangi

Export Promotion Council Chairman:Peter Kimuyu

Tea Board of Kenya Chairman:Sicily Kariuki

Retirement Benefit Authority Director:Kanyi Gachoka

Kenya Water Institute Chairman:Jacob Kaimenyi

Kenya Re-Insurance Corporation

Chairman: Nelius Kariuki
Director: Eunice Mbogo

Capital Markets Authority Chairman:Chege Waruinge

Consolidated Bank of Kenya Director—-David Ndegwa

Kenya Post Office Savings Bank
Chairman: Wilson Kinyua CEO: Nyambura Koigi

KASNEB Chairman:Francis Kibera
CEO: Erastus Gitau

Kenya National Assurance Chairman:Alexander Kaminchia

Capital Markets Tribunal Chairman:Morris Njage

Kenya Institute of Public Policy and Research
Director:Moses Ikiara

National Irrigation Board Chairman:Francis Gichaga

Kenya National Trading Corporation Director:Gladys Maina

Kenya Industrial Property Institute Chairman:Moses Thairu

East African Portland Company Director:Ndegwa Kagio

Industrial Property Tribunal Chairman:Lillian Wanjira

Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute Director:Elias Njoka

Numerical Machining Complex Chairman:Jonathan Muturi

Co-operative College of Kenya Principal:Esther Gicheru

Pyrethrum Board of Kenya Chairman:Isaac Mwangi

New Kenya Cooperative Creameries
Chairman:Matu Wamae
Managing Director: Francis Mwangi

Tana and Athi River Development Authority
Chairman:A Mureithi
Director: S.Maina

Horticultural Corporation Development Authority
Chairman: Joseph Kibe

Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Director:Nancy Karimi

Agricultural Finance Corporation Chairman:Patrick Kariuki

National Sports Stadia Management Authority Director:S.Mwai

National Housing Corporation Director:J.Ruitha

Kenya Cultural Centre Chairman:M Kaggia

Kenya National Library Director:Irene Muthoni

Moi University Chairman:Evan Mwai

Kenya Literature Bureau Director:Adams Karauri

Kenya Education Staff Institute
Chairman: Joseph Kimura
Director: B .Gachanja

Commission for Higher Education Chairman:Kihumbu Thairu

Kenya Power and Lighting Company Director: E.Njoroge

Higher Education Loans Board Chairman:Joseph Kimura

Water Service Trust Fund Director:S.Mwangi


Managing Director & CEO———————Edward Njoroge
Non- Executive Director—————————–Joseph Kinyua
Non- Executive Director—————————–Patrick Nyoike
Non- Executive Director———————-Sarah W. Wainaina
Non- Executive Director—————————Musa Ndeto
Non- Executive Director—————————-George M Njagi
Non- Executive Director—————————Humprey Muhu
Non- Executive Director————————-Patrick Nyoike
Non- Executive Director ———————Henry Nyamu M’Narobi
Non- Executive Director——————–Rebecca Miano


Managing Director & CEO———————— Edward Njoroge

Operations Director———————–Richard Nderitu

Business Development & Strategy-Director Albert Mugo

Regulatory Affairs Director———————-Simon Ngure

Company Secretary/ Legal & Corporate Affairs Director—-Rebecca Miano


Transformation Monitoring Office Manager—- David Muthike
Corporate Affairs Manage————————- Mike Njeru
Supply Chain Manager——————- Patrick Kimemia
Operations Manager, Eastern Hydro———- Joel Ngugi
Operations Manager, Geothermal———— John Karanja
Operations Manager, Western Hydro—— Frank Konuche
Technical Services Manager ———————-Solomon Kariuki
Geothermal Development Manager————S. Muchemi
Capital Planning & Strategy Manager— Elizabeth Njenga
Regulatory Affairs Manager ——————–John Ndambiri
Environment & CDM Manager —————Pius Kollikho
Projects Execution Manager————— David Kagiri
Human Resources Manager ——————- John Maina
Performance Management Manager—— Mary Waceke Muia
Insurance Manager—————————- Ann Mbugua
Technical Services & Quality————- Manager Henry Ithiami
Special Project Manager————————George Mugo

Athi Water Service Board Director————-L.Mwangi

National Oil Corporation

Chairman————————————-Mr. Peter K. Munga
Director—————————————-Mr. Patrick Nyoike
Director—————————————-Mr. Joseph Kinyua
Director—————————————-Mr. Paul G. Ngatia
Director—————————————-Mr. Paul Muhia Ngugi
Director—————————————-Mr. James Gacheru
Director—————————————-Mr Gaciku Kangari

Communication Commission of Kenya
Chairman: ———————————— Joseph Njagi
Director: —————————————John Waweru

Coast Water Service Board Chairman:Joseph Muturi

Kenya Film Corporation Director:Wachira Waruru

Tana Water Service Board-Chairman:James Kimani

National Council for Science and Technology
Chairman: Henry Thairu
Secretary: G.Kingoria

Kenya Petroleum Refinery Chairman:Justus Kagenu

Coffee Research Foundation
Chairman: K.Njuguna
Director: J.Kimemia

Energy Tribunal Chairman:Njuguna Nganga

Kenya Airports Authority Director:George Muhoho

Kenya Railway Chairman:Jonathan Muturi

Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Director;David Waweru

Postal Corporation of Kenya Chairman:Peter Kariuki

Kenyatta National Hospital
Chairman: Margaret Wanjohi
Director: Jotham Micheni

Kenya Information and Communication Technology
Chairman: Cathrine Ngahu

Nyayo Tea Zones Director:Anne Karimi

Kenya Medical Training College Chairman:James Kahindi

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute
Chairman: J.Muthengi
Director: E.Mukithira

Agricultural Development Corporation
Chairman: L.Wariunge

Kenya Sisal Board Director:Charles Kagwimi

Agricultural Information Research CentreChairman: Thirikwa Kamau


Registrar General – Ms. Bernice Gichegu
Solicitor General – Wanjuki Muchemi


1.Hon. Mr. Justice Hatari Peter George Waweru
2.Hon. Lady Justice Jeanne Wanjiku Gacheche
3.Hon. Lady Justice Jessie Wanjiku
4.Hon. Lady Justice Joyce Nyokabi Khaminwa
5.Hon. Mr. Justice Leonard Njagi
6.Hon. Mr. Justice George B.M. Kariuki
7.Hon. Lady Justice Martha K. Koome
9.Hon. Mr. Justice Paul Kihara Kariuki
10.Hon. Mr. Justice David Maraga
11.Hon. Lady Justice Murugi Gateri Mugo
12.Hon. Lady Justice Wanjiru Karanja
13.Hon. Mr. Justice Joseph R. Karanja
14.Hon. Lady Justice Florence Nyaguthii

Credit to: Bunge la Mwananchi


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Training on Story Structure


Story Structure   02.06.2011



  • Inverted Pyramid story structure —-important things first**


e.g. 2pple killed by a fire

Then the rest can follow

——location, colour of the house, the course of the fire

  • 9 steps to developing your stories


      Find something to write about (facts, breaking news, going to court rooms, hospitals)

      Do your interviews (who are u going to interview, tools to conduct it, make it a conversation- they will be at ease to give info)

      Choose the best quotes

      Report, report report ….3 times because of emphasis

      Answer all the questions that the reader will be interested in ,,and have more of questions

      Double check your information before compiling (u will be a reliable source)

      Double check your spelling some can be offended if their names are misspelled

      Have a great lead story

      After the lead structure the rest of the story

      Attribute the information you get from the source (give credit- this gives evidence/adds weight to your story)

      Get started on a follow-up story on the original.

  • News gathering


  • Story idea….Chang’aa


      Look at different ends of it and do a research to back your story

      Lead (an aspect that catches the audiences’ attention) It puts newest information at the beginning (this is in Hard news)

      It is different across the different types of news

      In soft news – The lead does not reveal the newest information

  • What is contained in a story?


      Focus statement –guides the entire process

      Lead– Catches audience’s attention short and catchy

      Nut graph – Says what the story is about

      Body– Quotes, background information

      Balanced reporting …be fare to all sides you are collecting the story from.

      Conclusion …what happened next, what dose it mean?

      Kicker – A clever way of ending your story

Groups Assignment

Group 1 Group 2
Ibra Shaib
Fred Lee
Ivy Sande
Topic: Health and Education Topic:Football


Reporting Back…..Next Week.

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Training on Reporting


Notes Of the Reporting training on the 26th May 2011

By Wanda and Joshua

News values;

News should be;

ü      Facts

ü      Its unusualness e.g. rat carrying a dog

ü      Timeline

ü      Impact

ü      Prominence/celebrate

ü      Proximity

ü      Usefulness

ü      Public interest

ü      Focus statement…..5whs’ (who, where, when, why, how)

Types of news;

  • Hard news – answers the 5whs’

Have direct impact to people, are timely, talk about things that are about to happened, just happened, is happening……..

  • Soft news

No time factor e.g. health issues, events, lifestyle and entertainment

  • News features

Connect information, they want to know why it happened, dig dip in how it happened

ü      A Journalist is always curious to know the exact/absolute truth

An old person dying is not that very much of news but a youth dying is news…

Case in point;

Funeral for Nyanduse (Mother of Nyachaye)

In attendance are; …… and the following announcements are made……

Ruto- Defects ODM—he has been saying this all along/not so much of news

Kallonzo- Coming to ODM—we know him as a water melon

Raila- Gatundu Mp— Great news/sells

Kibaki- Mp Othaya—more of normal news

Nyanduse- Falls out of casket –The falling part is news

What would form part of news headline?

e.g…..Political earthquake in a funeral

N.B: Raila declares to vie for Gatundu seat (this qualifies) at a funeral that fell out of the casket

A key element of a story structure

Use the active voice always

E.g. The boy crossed the road

Note: The road was crossed by the boy

Media Ethics

This is basically the behavior which a journalist should embrace

 You have to be just, fair and accurate

You need to know your rights

You can tell A and B and let the people tell the C (the people verdict, judgment)

Never ruin the reputations of your boss….. lest you…….?

Preparing for An interview

What to look-out for;

Actual story/research

Identify story sources

Interview location- where the interviewee is comfortable

Who the story is happening to

Ask questions for clarity

Opposite opinion

Experts’ facts – adding value/enriching your story/news

 Introducing yourself

 Very key for it makes one comfortable with what you are doing and he/she is able to relay to you the required information you are looking for

Ask questions related/directed (intended for this person)to the person you are interviewing

Items for the next Trainings

Article writing/story structure****

Feature story**

Editing videos and pictures***




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Our Environment


Kibera slum, once a beautiful forest is now full of litter everywhere resulting to environmental degradation which in turn negatively affects our biodiversity; the variety of life forms at all levels of biological systems. Outbreak of diseases like typhoid, cholera and malaria and also the issues of animals succumbing to death due to feeding on dirt and plastic bags are not uncommon.

 There is a shortage of; clean water or if there’s it’s manned by water curtails, designated dumpsites and what is more is that the water pipes that are available run through open sewers which posses a big threat to the safety of water.

The poor waste disposal, especially the human waste has resulted into high levels of pollution of water.

In the recent past, the National Environment Management Authority banned the use of plastics of less than 60 microns, and directed the Kenya Bureau of Standards to ensure that all plastic bags and wrappers used should be scaled up from 30 to 60 microns, in compliance with the East African Community Standard. Under the directive, the KEBS was to inspect industries and carry out surveillance and monitoring at entry ports to prevent entry of plastic below 60 microns but who knows what happened thereafter?.  Plastic waste has become a major environmental concern in recent times.
 It is not what we get. But who we become, what we contribute… that gives meaning to our lives.
~~Anthony Robbins.
 Let’s give meaning to our biodiversity for that’s  the only  surest way of giving meaning to our lives.
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